- Package 2 days 1 night of the beach Tanjung Tinggi locations,. the beach Tg. Kelayang, Lengkuas island.
- Package 3 days 2 nights the beach Tanjung Tinggi locations, Pantai Tg. Kelayang, Lengkuas Island ,Replication SD Muhammadiah filming locations Laskar Pelangi, Dam pice, P. Burung Mandi, Beach Nyiur Melambai.
Number of People 2 days 1 night / person 3 days 2 nights / person Order
> 50 Rp 1,100,000.00 Rp 1,200,000.00 <2 weeks
21-50 Rp 1,200,000.00 Rp 1,300,000.00 <2 weeks
13-20 Rp 1,200,000.00 Rp 1,400,000.00 <2 weeks
19-12 Rp 1,300,000.00 Rp 1,500,000.00 <2 weeks
5- 8 Rp 1,400,000.00 Rp 1,600,000.00 <1 week
2- 4 Rp 1,500,000.00 Rp 1,700,000.00 <1 week
1 Rp 2,200,000.00 Rp 2,600,000.00 <1 week
Notes : Foreign exchange rates
Facilities: Room Hotel AC (standard room-2 people), eat 3 times / day, transportation, boatrental, guide.
You can contact us "TRAVEL & TOUR FITRAH" (Business License No. Tourism.556/025/SIU-PARIWISATA/DISBUDPAR/2011) with a "contact person" and the address and phone below:
Mr. Rusli
Jl. Bbk. Sindang Sari RT 06 RW 14 Desa Cibiru Wetan, Kec. Cileunyi, Kab. Bandung atau
Phone: 62-081931380445
Mrs. Sarah / Mr. Rida
Jl. Antara 31 RT 01 RW .. Desa Bale Endah, Kec. Bale Endah, Kab. Bandung.
Phone : 081214477787 or 081395020305
Mr. Rustam or Mr. Taufik
Jl. Air Saga no. 12 Tg. Pandan, Belitung
Phone: 0719-25396 or 081929627012 or 081949150460.
Mrs. Nita or Mr. Iwan
Jl. Kubang Jaya, Dusun Mekar Jaya, Manggar, East Belitung
Hp. 081394844757 or 08122329743.
Orders (bookings) is done with an upfront payment of 30% with the Bank Account No. BNI. 0021334803 a.n. Rusli Abdullah, SE after the transfer of the above please contact contact
Personnel immediately. or email to: travelfitrah@gmail.com If canceled before the time of the day it will be refunded 25%, but if the cancellation is done on the day it will be refunded 20%.