July 31, 2011

Two Artis Capital Bithday Sail Belitong Wakatobi 2011 Tanjungpendam Coast Region

Two Artis Capital of each Tomi Ali and Ira Swara enliven Sail Belitong Wakatobi, in the region Cape Coast buried, Belitung province Bangka Belitung Sail on the launch of Wakatobi Belitong 2011 on tonight Saturday (30 / 7).

From monitoring Tomi Ali duet with Ira Swara singing, Lotus and the song Like a King sea​​. Cash only, singing a duet artist Capital This shake Tanjungpendam Coast region. Thousands of crowded coastal headlands buried in an open stage for a close look at two top artists music Capital.
Wakatobi sail the opening ceremony - this Belitong widely attended by visitors to the surrounding communities and local government officials farts provincial archipelago - and the district Belitung Belitung Belitung and eastern districts. People who watch the event there is also danced and seemed very pleased with the event held.

Night Sail Belitong Wakatobi in the Area Launched coast Tanjungpendam

Tonight, Saturday (30 / 7) night, at around 19:30 pm Bangka Belitung governor scheduled Ir Eko Maulana Ali MSc will open lounching sail Wakatobi Belitong 2011. The event itself will lounching located in the region Tanjungpendam Beach, Belitung Bangka Belitung province.

Information obtained from the Public Relations Belitung regency mentioned, the plan three ministers would be present for follow louching Wakatobi Belitong sail. they including the Minister of Health, Minister of Fisheries and Marine Affairs, and Menkokesra RI. However, the

July 30, 2011

Participants Sail-Belitung Wakatobi Arrive in Kupang

A total of 31 of the 110 participants sail Wakatobi, Sulawesi Southeast, and Belitung, Bangka Belitung, from 17 countries, Tuesday, July 26, 2011 arrived in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara(NTT). Participants sail arrived around 12:00 AM and anchored in the Port Kopan, Lai-Lai Village Iron Kopan, Kupang. 

They immediately underwent health of health quarantine. A total of 17 countries following the Wakatobi sail-Belitung, among others, Australia 

July 28, 2011

Launching Saturday Night Sail-Belitong Wakatobi 2011

Ahead of the launch implementation Sail-Belitong Wakatobi 2011 on Saturday (07/30/2011) night at the Beach Tanjungpendam Belitung Regency, the performers began to hold preparation.
Bangkapos.com watchlist on Thursday (28/07/2011) afternoon, dozens of dancers were practicing in front of the stage entertainment in Tanjungpendam. They are combined dancers from the Studio Astari Bangka, Belitung regency Praja Dian Studio and number of students of  SMAN 1 Tanjungpandan.

July 26, 2011

The film "The Philosopher" Filming on the island of Belitung Indonesia Lengkuas July 26 to 27

Indonesia will be more and more public visited foreign countries and in Indonesia due to human film.This is precisely in Belitung District, will be centered on the island of Lengkuas Sijuk District District Province of Bangka - Belitung, Belitung a film will be born in this place, entitled 'The philosophers'. This film will introduce the culture of Indonesia, by involving an international star and will certainly be played around the world.

The Philosopher, the film proved to be a production of SCTV, along with Hollywood producer, George Zakk and Cybill

The Philosopher - Located on SCTV Tower, 19th floor, Senayan City complex, a press conference of The Philosopher, was attended by the party of SCTV, the producer and the entire cast.
There is a Programme Director and the Production of SCTV, and Alfin Harsiwi Achmad Surya Atmaja, producer George Zakk and Cybill, director John Huddles, and the cast as Bonnie Wright, akktor who have been involved in The Commander, James D'arcy, a former actor in the

Launching Sail Make the Moment WB Shooting Hollywood Movie

Launching Sail - Moment July 26, where the launching Sail Wakatobi Islands in Belitung was conducted concurrently filming Hollywood movies in Belitung. The moment was expected to siphon domestic and foreign tourists.

"On 25-26 there are Hollywood movies filming in Belitung. We use that moment to introduce Belitung Islands," said Chairman of the Regional Committee Wakatobi Sail Belitung province Bangka Belitung, Sugianto to bangkapos.com on Friday (08/07/2011).

July 20, 2011

Two Warships Sail Passenger Transport Belitong Wakatobi 2011

Two Navy warships, the KRI Makassar-590 and KRI Dr Soeharso-990, deployed to carry passengers 'Sail Wakatobi Belitong (SWB) 2011' to and from the Port archipelago Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara (Southeast Sulawesi), to Wakatobi .
Head of Public Relations Kusnadi in Kendari Southeast Sulawesi province, said on Friday, all of Southeast Sulawesi province officials, officials of the TNI / police, and officials from cities in Southeast Sulawesi district is in charge of official boarded the ship deployed to the war.  

Sail Indonesia 2011 in Wakatobi and Belitong

Sail Indonesia 2011 - The government will hold a Sail Indonesia 2011 in Wakatobi, Sulawesi Tenggara, and Belitong, Bangka Belitung. "Implementation of the Sail Indonesia will be conducted at two locations, namely Wakatobi and Belitong," said Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare Agung Laksono here on Tuesday (10 / 5).
This statement was delivered after the Supreme ministerial coordination meeting on Sail-Belitong Wakatobi in the office of Coordinating Ministry

Sell Land in village areas Sijuk - Belitung Island

We have a parcel of land located in Belitung Island as a place of tourism development by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of RI and plans for development of Special Economic As for tourism places such as Cape Coast High has ever used to shoot film Laskar Pelangi and The Dreamer, Kelayang Tanjung beaches, the island of Lengkuas with the lighthouse and beach and crystal clear sea with rocks and fish dressing, around this area is being developed and built the inn is among other hotels that have recently being built a hotel in Tanjung Binga 4-star, in the village of Air

July 19, 2011

Travel for holiday to Belitung

Travel for holiday to Belitung - You want a vacation in a very beautiful and exotic try to do your tour / recreation to the island of Belitung / Belitong or lately called rainbow because the island is identified with the name of the film Laskar Pelangi the manufacture and shooting it on the island. The island is located in the islands of Bangka Belitung province. In addition Belitung island famous for its results as ore mine tin and kaolin and other minerals that Satam stones are often used for jewelry. According to the experts came from meteorites that fell to earth in space.