July 30, 2011

Participants Sail-Belitung Wakatobi Arrive in Kupang

A total of 31 of the 110 participants sail Wakatobi, Sulawesi Southeast, and Belitung, Bangka Belitung, from 17 countries, Tuesday, July 26, 2011 arrived in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara(NTT). Participants sail arrived around 12:00 AM and anchored in the Port Kopan, Lai-Lai Village Iron Kopan, Kupang. 

They immediately underwent health of health quarantine. A total of 17 countries following the Wakatobi sail-Belitung, among others, Australia 

as many as 33 participants, English 26, United States 14, France 9, Canada 8, Germany 4, New Zealand 3, Netherlands 2 participants, and Indonesia 1 ship.Wakatobi National Committee Coordinator Sail-Belitung, Taurman, said 110 participants from Wakatobi Sail- Billiton, as many as 82 participants chose to use an south stop in Kupang, NTT, while the rest will follow the path north toward Saumlaki, Maluku North. "We divide the two lanes for participants sail, namely through south, from Kupang and north through Saumlaki, "said Taurman told reporters in Kupang on Tuesday, July 26, 2011. Of the 82 participants sail a stop in Kupang, as many as 31 participants had arrived in Kupang, including the only participants from Indonesia using the Ship Roots Bahar by the number of crew as many as 12 people. He said as many as 51 participants are expected to arrive tonight or tomorrow at the latest Wednesday, July 27 2011 morning. Participants sail that will last in Kupang for one week before continuing the journey around some areas in NTT.

Participants of this sail, he explained, will be divided into two group. Partly through the southern path to the District Rote Ndao and north towards Alor. They will reconvened in Labuan Bajo, Manggarai Regency West, before continuing the trip to Bunaken, Banda and Wakatobi. The peak activity of this sail, he said, would ended in the Belitung Islands at 5 to 12 October 2011. Implementation This sail in accordance with Presidential Decree (Decree) 9 2009.

Meanwhile, participants sail from Australia, Lidya Woodhouse, said most participants chose sail stop in Kupang than Saumlaki because according to him Kupang assess the participants sail beautiful and good."These participants have heard from previous participants sail Kupang was so good that they prefer stop in Kupang, "he said.

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