August 28, 2011

House Stage Original House Prepared to Sail Wakatobi - Belitong 2011

House  Stage Original House Prepared to Sail Wakatobi - Belitong 2011 - Home Belitung original stage is still remaining in the region around the coastal area of Tanjung Height and area of ​​Tanjung Kelayang certainly be near the village could Sijuk possible to be transformed as a home inn. The house specialty is the all natural very suitable for foreign tourists and foreign area to stay while watching Sail Wakatobi Belitong 2011. "Now this already we are looking for houses that are still stage decent living. If it can be about 20 homes
The original stage later this sail can be prepared and for the implementation of the next Sail order used for tourists who will stay, "said Marsidi, Chairman of Village Tourism PNPM Sijuk, recently. According Marsidi preparatory step is in addition to the original stage house to anticipate the shortage of hotel rooms domestic and foreign residents who stay well for custom home raised the tempo of origin Belitung used to be. "Indeed there are hotels and homestay there. But we also need to hold a stage house for stay. It also as a venue for tourism promotion, "Marsidi added. Of course added Marsidi, home The original stage will later be fitted various tools bed and bath fittings are intact. "Only, sought ways and patterns of regulated with a natural impression. And this will be selling points for foreign tourists themselves to come to the Billiton, let alone events such as Sail, " Marsidi said.

Expected after the sail Wakatobi - Belitong is completed can be prepared to follow the regular tourist activities. Given the echo tourism that aims to Belitung was launched, so it likely will increase the visitors to the island. For that shelters or home-stay can be an alternative for guests who want to stay with an atmosphere that is rather natural. 

Therefore the District Government Tourism Office Belitung particular need to facilitate the needs of the owner of the house the house, what should they consider this necessary and sustainable development does not stop until the show is considered finished sail well.
Therefore, local government officials need foresight to prepare and plan for their regular programs, so this Belitung island remains a tourist destination domestically and internationally. Hopefully.

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