August 11, 2011

Rally participants `Start` Yacth Sign Wakatobi

Various events which prepared it, among other mass underwater wedding, a festival of traditional sports and diving as well as arts and culture festival, a traditional area of ​​Southeast Sulawesi, especially the Wakatobi. Participants "rally yacht" and  "yacht race" (a convoy of luxury yachts) which departed from Darwin, Australia, since July 23, 2011, already entered in the Wakatobi, Sulawesi Tenggara (Southeast Sulawesi), activity center peak Sail Wakatobi Belitong (SWB) 2011.
Head of Culture and Tourism Wakatobi, contacted by telephone from Wakatobi, said Tuesday morning until Tuesday, had eight boats yacht rally participants and tacht race which is not in the Wakatobi."We were aboard the luxurious display was diving on the island of Hoga, enjoying the natural beauty of the underwater especially coral reefs and diverse marine life species around the island," he said.According Tawakal, eight luxury yachts are already in the Wakatobi region is entered Indonesia through Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT).They went early in the Wakatobi because you want to enjoy the natural beauty of the underwater and the hospitality of citizens Wakatobi.

The participants ' yacht rally' and ' yach race' enterely new will be officially accepted by the Government of Wakatobi Regency on the night of August 23, when the peak activity Wakatobi Belitong Sail starts, "he said.
Yacht rally participants and race yachts from six countries, amounting to 149 words Tawakal, Wakatobi enter through two doors, ie, Kupang, NTT and Saumlaki, Southeast Maluku."The information I received from Saumlaki, has 25 luxury ships anchoring there (Saumlaki), and will enter the Wakatobi later than August 23, 2011," he said.Tawakal say, the peak activity Wakatobi Sail which will be opened by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) on August 23, 2001, will take place during the week, ie until August 29, 2011.
Wakatobi Government's own words to him, has prepared a variety of cultural attractions to enliven Sail Wakatobi which will be opened by President SBY."Various events were prepared, among others, mass underwater wedding, a festival of traditional sports and diving as well as cultural festivals and traditional art Sultra area, especially Wakatobi," he said.
According tawakal, SWB activity is a continuation of the Sail Indonesia has carried out several years earlier.He said, the name of the Sail Indonesia began changed since 2009, consistent implementation of the World Ocean Conference (WOC) in Manado, North Sulawesi."This activity began to be packaged in accordance with the trademark` `every area organizer, started rd in 2009, which was centered in Manado and Bitung in North Sulawesi, and Sail 2010 in Ambon Banda in Maluku," he said. Implementation SWB 2011 was centered in two locations, namely Southeast Sulawesi Wakatobi and Belitung, Bangka Belitung province.

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