September 15, 2011

Sail Wakatobi - Belitong 2011: Mascot Stone Eagle and Sea Horse

Batu Kelayang
Sail Wakatobi - Belitong 2011: Mascot Stone Eagle and Sea Horse - Governor of the Province of Bangka Belitung Island, Eko Maulana Ali said that the Pacific Islands have been designated as a national tourist destination of Indonesia after Bali and Lombok, and specifically to Billiton, which together will host Wakatobi Sail Wakatobi - Belitung 2011 (Sail WaBe 2011) is scheduled to be held next October. Opening Waktobi Sail - Belitong Island in 2011 this has been going on in the Belitong Island.

For Sail mascot Wakatobi - Belitung 2011 has established that Batu Kelayang (Eagle Rock) in the Coast Tanjungkelayang. This is for the mascot for the Belitong Island.

The reaction of protest emerged from the Belitong Island when he heard the statement of the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries suggested that the stone was painted and given a light lambu like eagle eyes that shine at night.

Various reactions of protest that one of them is that it is not necessary "Batu Kelayang" (Stone Kelayang) is painted, as this will reduce the beauty, uniqueness, to the bird's unique and natural stone. If already in the paint, original impression will be lost and the foreign tourists will never be able to see Stone Kelayang in its original form. Personally I also do not agree with the suggestion of the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, because this will reduce - even "lose" - one of the uniqueness of Belitong Islands in general and in particular the uniqueness Tanjungkelayang Coast.

As for Sail Wakatobi - Belitung 2011 at Wakatobi has determined that its animal mascot that is typical of the Wakatobi Sea Horse (pigmy horses).
Implementation issues related to Wakatobi - Belitong Islands Sail 2011, especially for in Belitung island itself, the President himself had issued a presidential decree - related to the implementation of Presidential Decree 2011 Sail Wakatobi - Belitong Islands which has been a constraint in the preparation of such international events.

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