August 30, 2011

Sell ​​white pepper

White Pepper
Clean White Pepper

Sell ​​white pepper - For those interested in buying our white pepper as a distributor of crops, especially white pepper provide the plantation with considerable amounts. For buyers or enthusiasts can buy in quantity at least 20 kilograms with the current price of Rp 70,000.00 (not including postage). Prices may change at any time. Orders paid in advance and transferred to the BNI 46 bank accounts with account number 0021334803.
For those interested can contact us FITRAH CV. Email: Phone 62-0719-25396 or 087821764987.
Notified to the applicants that began on September 15, 2011 to an undetermined date our stock is empty, thank you.

Benefits Pepper or White Pepper

Pepper White in Belitung
Benefits Pepper or White Pepper - Plants numb / pepper vines classified, elliptic leaves, stems berbuku books, living leaves, fruit grains, stick to the main trunk with the other root paste. Pepper spices produce are multipurpose spices tangible grains produced by plants with the same name. Pepper is very important the components of world cuisine and is widely known as an important trade commodity in the world in past prices are so high that became one of the triggers exploration of Europeans to East Asia to master the trade and, thus, started the colonization history Africa, Asia,

August 29, 2011

Welfare: Sail-Belitong Wakatobi 2011 To Regional Economic Development Acceleration

The Beach Tg. Kelayang

Welfare: Sail-Belitong Wakatobi 2011 To Regional Economic Development Acceleration
- The conduct of Sail-Belitong Wakatobi The 2011 peak of her show scheduled to take place Wakatobi Sombu Beach (Southeast Sulawesi) and Cape Coast Kelayang (Babylon) is to acceleration of regional economic development. "This event has a multi-purpose, but the most important for the acceleration of development  in area, "said Coordinating Minister Agung Laksono in Sail-launch

The Beach Mutun in Lampung

The Beach Mutun is one of the beaches in Lampung Province is easily achieved. Located not far from Bandar Lampung, which is a thriving city in the province and have a fairly complete facilities. If you stop by to Bandar Lampung, you can enjoy various games and the beauty of the beach at the Beach Mutun. To visit this beach, you have to distance of about 25 km from Bandar Lampung. In Left side right to the beach mutun, trees the green to decorate the streets is quite good. A hint on the road The main will be a marker if you must turn to reach this beach. From the road highway, now a dirt road with rocks must passed to reach this

August 28, 2011

Trips to the Island Tidung

Trips to the Island Tidung - Island Tidung is one of the islands includingThousand Islands in the cluster. The island is still in the Jakarta area and can be one an alternative destination other than the beach Ancol beach. Tidung island itself is actually composed of two islands, namely Island Besar and Island Tidung - Tidung Small. Tidung Big Island is one of The biggest island among the other islands in thousand islands. While the Small Island Tidung uninhabited.The island is more crowded because it attracts tourists attraction of this island which is increasingly dispersed. Island Tidung has a stretch of white sand that makes beach to be

How do I choose a travel agency in travel

 How do I choose a travel agency in travel - In order not to mess around with the affairs of a vacation, ideally people who travel all matters submitted to a travel agency. Travel agents usually have a list of interesting sights. In addition to attractions, the bureau will take care of all needs, ranging from transportation, places to eat, rest and more compact. However, make sure the appropriate selection of travel packages.
In order not to upset before selecting a tour package, travel agent's reputation and credibility need to be considered. For now flourishing

House Stage Original House Prepared to Sail Wakatobi - Belitong 2011

House  Stage Original House Prepared to Sail Wakatobi - Belitong 2011 - Home Belitung original stage is still remaining in the region around the coastal area of Tanjung Height and area of ​​Tanjung Kelayang certainly be near the village could Sijuk possible to be transformed as a home inn. The house specialty is the all natural very suitable for foreign tourists and foreign area to stay while watching Sail Wakatobi Belitong 2011. "Now this already we are looking for houses that are still stage decent living. If it can be about 20 homes

August 26, 2011

Travel to the island Lengkuas - Belitung - Indonesia.

Travel to the island Lengkuas - If you currently need a vacation or travel for recreation tourist place, then we suggest there is a place of recreation that is not less interesting to other regions in Indonesia such as Kuta beach in Bali, the beaches of Bunaken in Sulawesi. Where is it? we recommend try to visit the island called the island Lengkuas - Belitung - Indonesia.

How to Island

To go to this island from the city Jakarta - Indonesia can be

August 25, 2011

Number of Hotels in East Belitung Concern

Number of Hotels in East Belitung Concern - A number of constraints faced by Regency East Belitung (Beltim) Bangka Belitung Province in preparing the implementation of the Sail event Wakatobi-Belitong (Wabe) 2011, October later. Among the number of hotel rooms or lodging are still considered worrisome for accommodate tourists or participants involved in these national events.

August 19, 2011

Flag fluttered in the Wakatobi Underwater

The flag hoisting of the Red and White under the sea. Various methods are used to evoke the spirit of nationalism in commemorate Indonesia's independence day is the 66th. At Wakatobi, Sulawesi Tenggara,precisely under the sea coast Sombu, 100 divers red and white flag.
Flag ceremony commemorating the seconds proclamation under the sea is led DG Bela State Ministry of Defence, Rear Admiral Ken. According to the Director General of Defence Potential Ministry of Defence, Post M Hutabarat activities This coupled with "Sail Wakatobi Belitong 2011 ".

Holiday to Bali Indonesia

Looking for a magical destination for your lady love? Bali is the answer for all your queries. Bali is a place located in the lap of Mother Nature. Beautiful, exotic, enchanting is the word for Bali resorts. Exploring bali one would feel that mother nature has shown all its love here only. bali is one of the most beautiful tourist destination ever. Located in Indonesia bali has been famous across the globe for its volcanic eruption. Visiting Bali one can get the essence of paintings, sculpture work and various dance traditions of ancient Bali.

Tanjung Batu Itam Village Welcomes Investment swallow's nests

Government Village Tanjung Simpang Batu Itam Pesak Beltim District, Bangka Belitung province welcomed the presence of bird nest entrepreneurs who want to make their investment in their working area. It is very important as one of the village efforts to provide welfare to the community and in support of the original Revenue Villages in the days to come. Prices bird's nest is quite expensive for the pockets of people around Rp 3 million to Rp 5 million perkilogramnya to the regular quality, while the super prices range from Rp 20 million to USD 25 million, so I have ever heard from friends who engaged in the field perwaletan.

August 18, 2011

Taman Safari Indonesia

Taman Safari Indonesia, located in the Village Cibeureum, Kec. Cisarua, Kab. Bogor, West Java, built in 1980. The location is now occupied, is a former tea plantation which has not longer productive. Land area of ​​138.5 ha by Government submitted to the Oriental Circus for its management.Taman Safari Indonesia is located in the area Gunung Gede National Park buffer Pangrango and at an altitude of 900-1800 above sea level, as well as having an average temperature of 16-27 degrees Celsius, has been designated as Tourism Nationally by the Minister of

Sail Ahead Belitong Wakatobi 2011, Village Sijuk Prepare 15 to 25 homestay

Sail Towards wakotobi 2011, Village Sijuk prepare 15 home-stay (tourist visitorslocal and outside the region) to 25 homesta Sail in the implementation of Wakatobi Belitong 2011.This was disclosed Marsidi, Chairman of Tourism PNPM Sijuk recently. According Marsidi preparation is very important for tourists who will visit Wakatobi sail activities that will last 5 to October 10, 2011.

"We are preparing a homestay for 4 people. Usually equipped with a

August 16, 2011

It will fly the flag at Wakatobi Underwater

Seconds Proclamation of Independence August 17, 2011 at Wakatobi, Sulawesi Tenggara, will be done by the raising of the Flag Red and White under the sea, led by Minister of Defence.
"The ceremony under the sea Sail Wakatobi Belitong (SWB) is held in conjunction with the seconds warning Proclamation of Independence, August 17, 2011 at Wakatobi, will be led by Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro," said Regent Hugua Wakatobi, in Wakatobi, Tuesday (16 / 8 ). "Mr. Defense Minister in the entourage will also arrive in the Wakatobi Tuesday afternoon," he said.

August 11, 2011

Rally participants `Start` Yacth Sign Wakatobi

Various events which prepared it, among other mass underwater wedding, a festival of traditional sports and diving as well as arts and culture festival, a traditional area of ​​Southeast Sulawesi, especially the Wakatobi. Participants "rally yacht" and  "yacht race" (a convoy of luxury yachts) which departed from Darwin, Australia, since July 23, 2011, already entered in the Wakatobi, Sulawesi Tenggara (Southeast Sulawesi), activity center peak Sail Wakatobi Belitong (SWB) 2011.
Head of Culture and Tourism Wakatobi, contacted by telephone from Wakatobi, said Tuesday morning until Tuesday, had eight boats yacht rally participants and tacht race which is not in the Wakatobi."We were aboard the luxurious display was diving on the island of Hoga, enjoying the natural beauty of the underwater especially coral reefs and diverse marine life species around the island," he said.According Tawakal, eight luxury yachts are already in the Wakatobi region is entered Indonesia through Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT).They went early in the Wakatobi because you want to enjoy the natural beauty of the underwater and the hospitality of citizens Wakatobi.

The participants ' yacht rally' and ' yach race' enterely new will be officially accepted by the Government of Wakatobi Regency on the night of August 23, when the peak activity Wakatobi Belitong Sail starts, "he said.
Yacht rally participants and race yachts from six countries, amounting to 149 words Tawakal, Wakatobi enter through two doors, ie, Kupang, NTT and Saumlaki, Southeast Maluku."The information I received from Saumlaki, has 25 luxury ships anchoring there (Saumlaki), and will enter the Wakatobi later than August 23, 2011," he said.Tawakal say, the peak activity Wakatobi Sail which will be opened by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) on August 23, 2001, will take place during the week, ie until August 29, 2011.
Wakatobi Government's own words to him, has prepared a variety of cultural attractions to enliven Sail Wakatobi which will be opened by President SBY."Various events were prepared, among others, mass underwater wedding, a festival of traditional sports and diving as well as cultural festivals and traditional art Sultra area, especially Wakatobi," he said.
According tawakal, SWB activity is a continuation of the Sail Indonesia has carried out several years earlier.He said, the name of the Sail Indonesia began changed since 2009, consistent implementation of the World Ocean Conference (WOC) in Manado, North Sulawesi."This activity began to be packaged in accordance with the trademark` `every area organizer, started rd in 2009, which was centered in Manado and Bitung in North Sulawesi, and Sail 2010 in Ambon Banda in Maluku," he said. Implementation SWB 2011 was centered in two locations, namely Southeast Sulawesi Wakatobi and Belitung, Bangka Belitung province.

All Boat Darwin Ambon Login Screen Finish

It is estimated that today is Thursday (28 / 7), all of which follow the sailboat regatta International Darwin - Ambon to finish in the coastal village of Amahusu, Nusaniwe District, the city of Ambon."Until today, only two boats that have not entered participants finish each - each boat with captain Danny Foley Wicked and boat captain Solace III by Roger Hatten," said Chairman of the committee from Darwin, Robin Tix told AFP at the finish location on Thursday.
According to Robin, the results of monitoring conducted this morning both boats participants will arrive today, likely the boat will arrive at Wicked, 10:30 CDT Solace III and the boat will arrive at, 11:30 CDT.

August 08, 2011

Commander Guspurlatim: Sail Wakatobi - Belitung 2011 Divided by 2 Route

Implementation Sail Wakatobi - Belitung 2011 divided the two routes are routes estern Rally Pass andWestern Rally Pass. Thus confirmed by Commander Task Force (Dansatgas) Security and Search And Rescue (Pamsar) sail Wakatobi - Belitung 2011 First Admiral (Laksma) TNI Sulaeman Banjarnahor, SE. MSC. Laksma Sulaeman Banjarnahor SE, MSC also as Sea Combat Commander Eastern Task (And Guspurlatim) it was confirmed that the division estern route to be followed by a Rally Pass 27 YACHT going through Darwin - Saumlaki (26 - July 30, 2011), Banda (Stop Over) - Ambon (12-15 August 2011), Buru (17 to 20 August 2011), Wakatobi (23 to 29 August 2011), Bau - Bau (01-06 September 2011), Bulukumba (Stop Over) - Makati (14 to 17 September 2011), Labuan Bajo (August 31 - September 5, 2011)
As for the Western Pass Rally followed by 80 Yacht that will be through the route from Darwin - Kupang (27 to 31 July 2011), Alor (3 to 6 August 2011), Lemboto (8 to 11 August 2011), Maumere (Stop Over) - Ende (16 to 20 August 2011), Riung (22 to 26 August 2011), Labuhan Bajo (August 31 - September 5, 2011). Upon arrival in Labuan Bajo, then all participants will follow a route advanced to the Pacific Islands, which include Labuhan Bajo - North Lombok (10 to 15 September 2011), Bali (20-25 September 2011), Karimun Java (September 29 - October 2, 2011), Kumai (September 29-October 21 2011), Billiton (5 to 12 October 2011). 

Pamsar is an activity that aims other than to provide security for all participants sail is also aiming to succeed in activities Sail them. Task performed by Dan Guspurlatim that starting July 1 until October 3, 2011, namely as YACHT security commander competitor Race Indonesia took place in waters Jurisdiction Area Sector in particular East Sail Yacht Rally Wakatobi -Belitung 2011.
Elements incorporated in Pamsar Sail Wakatobi - Belitung 2011 is the element Ops Whitewater Sharks 11 consisting of: OWA KRI, KRI MLH, TLE KRI, KRI SNU, KRS KRI, KRI KTN and NV 410. On 23 July 2011 at 11.30 when Darwin Australia Yacht Rally 2011 participants from Darwin 107 Yacht by the number of participants from 16 countries.

Source : koarmatim.tnial and various source

4 Ships Sail Secure Wakatobi Islands

The atmosphere of Cape Coast High, District Sijuk,Belitung island famous for its beautiful locationwhite sand beaches rocky granite artistic. Four police patrol boats will secure the event Sail-peak Wakatobi - Belitong 2011 in Belitung, October 2011. 

Three ships belonging Islands Police Bangka Belitung and another one

August 04, 2011

Tourism investment

We also appreciate the effort that is exploring Regency Beltim opening of shipping lanes Beltim-Jakarta. Likewise, the efforts of PT Pelindo II Tanjungpandan bring investors from Singapore to open a fast boat service is capable of serving the route from Jakarta to Tanjungpandan in just hours travel time.The availability of a representative marine transportation facilities would not only open alternative means of transport to the Pacific Islands, but also boost the mobility of people and businesses in the Pacific Islands.

August 02, 2011

Government Deploying Indonesia Travel Market 2011

The market itself is a vehicle to travel bring together "buyers" who buy the tourism product Indonesia with the "seller" of Indonesia. Government through the Ministry of Culture and Tourism Indonesia will hold a tourism market or Tourism Indonesia Expo Mart or TIME on October 12 to 14 in Bandar Lampung.

"At this time the preparations are done with good, "said Director of Promotion of the Interior, DG Marketing, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, M Faried here on Tuesday. Faried explaining, organizing travel market has provide benefits for Indonesia's tourism industry with the efforts to promote and sell products archipelago travel to foreign countries."Not only limited to that, Indonesia Travel Market has been able to push the government's efforts to support Indonesia's tourism, "he said.

He also explained that it targets there are 30 countries companions who will join in the operation of market Tourism Indonesia. 30 countries are from Asia, Australia, Europe and America. Tourism market itself is a vehicle to bring together The "buyer" is buying Indonesia's tourism product with the "seller" of Indonesia. The buyer of which consists of travel agencies, meeting planner and activities and so forth.While the seller is the party hotel, airlines , attractions, tourism and other services so on. 

Tourism product offered by the tourist market is also diverse ranging from homestays, hotels luxury, airlines, travel agents, cruise ships, nautical tourism and so forth.

August 01, 2011

Ambassador Group Visit the Port of Tanjung Batu

The ambassador welcomed Dances of Welcome Dian Praja studio at the airport on Saturday (30/07/2011).
Group of ambassadors who arrived in the Pacific Islands on Saturday (30/07/2011) afternoon only actually rested in the VIP room HAS Airport Hanandjoeddin Tanjungpandan.Time out in the VIP room filled with introductions of the ambassador who attended and enjoyed cake and fruit-dish fruits that had been prepared by the committee. After the break, the group led by Regent Belitung H Darmansyah Hussein directly